Your teams are going to love you for it.

Having the right tools for the job is one thing. But when every team in your company uses the same tool to handle files, manage tasks, and speed up clunky processes, work becomes a breeze. PIQNIC solves so many of the little frustrations that can make work take an age. So your people can do more of what they do best.

Financial Services Solutions


Keeping your business profitable sounds simple on paper. But it’s a challenge for finance departments to keep your organisation in good financial health. PIQNIC makes things easier in three ways:

Keep tabs on your numbers better than ever before: If reports aren’t accurate, they’re not fit for purpose. PIQNIC captures all of your data, organises it and secures it until you need access. And when you do, it’s easy to find. Perfect for reports, forecasts and other financial models.

Help your team to help you: You can’t budget, audit or forecast without getting all of the relevant info from all of the relevant people. And it’s tricky, when they’re never at their desks when they should be. Our teamwork tool tells people where to be and when, so you can grab everything you need from them in time for the 3pm meeting.

Focus on more meaningful work: When you’re running so many processes every day, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. If it’s not purchase order approvals, it’s reimbursing (and shaking your head at) expenses. Automate the work that stops you from doing more important jobs, and make everything seem rosier at 5 to 9 on Monday morning.

Here’s how PIQNIC gives you a break:
1) Makes reporting much easier by securing and organising data
2) Lets you set important meetings and tells everyone to be there after they’ve finished the tasks you’ve given them
3) Streamlines the processes that take up unnecessary time and energy

Solutions for Human Resources

Human Resources

Making people happy at work is a thankless task, made even more thankless by people finding out what someone else is earning because you left a file on your desk. Here’s how Keep your data secure and spend more time focusing on your employees with PIQNIC.

Keep sensitive data away from curious colleagues: Employees trust you to keep their data secure, not broadcast for everyone to see. PIQNIC stores it safely. But it organises the data too, so it’s quick and easy to find what you need when it’s time for their performance review or a meeting to discuss their promotion.

Share the load: HR are involved with most, if not all, departments. You might be the one to hire new recruits. Or letting them go when they break the rules. Maybe you’re responsible for sorting out the next team-bonding afternoon. Assign tasks to the right person and keep everyone in the loop about the go-karting and pizzas you’ve organised for early-finish-Friday.

Make work a nicer place to be: We automate mind-numbing processes and standardise repetitive workflows, freeing up you and your team to concentrate on making people’s work life better.

PIQNIC makes HR easier by securing sensitive data, allocating tasks and giving you and your team time for training and development.

Solutions for Sales Department


It’s frustrating for salespeople when they don’t have the right tools for the job. It erodes confidence and affects their ability to sell properly. Fix these problems with PIQNIC.

People buy from people: Customer data is the most essential tool to close deals and bring in new business. It’s what helps you personalise your pitch and make customers feel comfortable talking to you. Secure, store and organise your data in a compliant-but-easy-to-access-for-salespeople kind of way.

Keep your team up to date with important info: Sales is a lively department, and whoever’s running it needs to make sure everyone a) knows what they’re doing and b) has what they need for a productive day. Communicate with your team in real-time so you can pass on the info from the morning brief or give them a heads-up when the boss approves a new promo.

Spend more time selling: Salespeople don’t want to perform tedious time-sapping tasks. Automate the processes that hold them back from what they do best – selling your products or services.

PIQNIC helps your sales team by:
• Giving them the data they need to generate leads and close sales
• Communicating key info
• Freeing them up to concentrate on selling

Solutions for Marketing Department


When you’re responsible for creating campaigns or building brands, you need access to accurate customer data and insights. And you need your teams working in harmony to meet strict client deadlines. Use PIQNIC to make life easier for your marketing department.

Organise your research and insights: Research is a massive part of marketing. It’s the foundation of all creative work. So it’s crucial that teams can store the data securely, and have access to the insights it provides. PIQNIC does this for you, and it organises it, too. Because it’s nice like that.

Get ahead of deadline day: Clients want everything as quickly and affordably as possible. Which is fine. But it means everyone should know their jobs and timescales way in advance. Keep all of your creative teams and clients on one page with PIQNIC’s collaboration tool.

Focus on the creative stuff: Another way to save time is to cut out or cut down on tasks that take up time unnecessarily. Automate these processes and deliver client work on time and on budget.

Store hard-earned insights in an organised and accessible way. Pull your creative teams together and cut out unnecessary tasks so you can deliver work to clients on time.

Solutions for IT Department

Information Technology

With the increasing scale and complexity of IT operations and cloud infrastructures, time-management, process optimisation and team collaboration are more crucial than ever. Especially with the demand placed on IT departments to get things done quickly. Here’s where PIQNIC can help:

Secure, store, organise: When you’re managing as much info as an IT department, you need to store it securely and organise it so it’s easy to access when you need it. Our info management tool does this for you, speeding up the processes that depend on quick access to important documents.

Sort, track, prioritise: No amount of tools, techniques or processes can make up for a lack of collaboration and communication when your team’s rolling out complex projects. Keep everyone talking so things stay on track.

Automate, train, develop: Systems deployment, monitoring and maintenance and data reporting are some processes you can use PICNIC to automate, freeing up time for training and development or just… giving people more challenging jobs.

Create, update, CTRL + S: Make a knowledge base where all your best practices, FAQs, workflows, and resolution guides sit together in one place.

PICNIQ makes IT work easier by:
1) Storing organised data securely
2) Keeping teams on track during big projects
3) Automating manual processes
4) Having one designated place for resources

Solutions for Legal Department

When it’s your job to make sure your business is behaving itself, you’ve got to make sure everyone’s handling documents and managing cases properly, with no room for mistakes or delays. PICNIC supports your legal team in three important ways:

Keep track of documents and edits: Legal departments are used to dealing with huge volumes of documents. But the more stuff there is, the easier things are to misplace – even on a computer. Store your info securely and in an organised way, see previous versions and track edits to prevent discrepancies.

Loads of inputs, one place to see them: Legal cases need lots of different people with lots of different skills. They all need to have their say, provide their thoughts, and write their notes. And that all needs somewhere to live. That place is PICNIC. It makes sure everyone involved knows where the case is up to and who’s responsible for which tasks.

Win legal cases faster: Processes within litigation, contract reviews, or compliance are major culprits in swallowing huge chunks of time. Frustrating when you’re working to a strict deadline. Automate these processes and focus on winning the case for your client.

Make legal life easier by organising your documents and tracking edits, having one place to see work and case updates, and streamline clunky processes to spend more time winning cases.

Solutions for Customer Service

Customer Service

Customer services deal with problems you can’t plan for, with each day bringing its own challenges. Prepare your team for as many eventualities as possible – within reason – with PIQNIC.

Be better prepared to deal with customers: From being up to date with the latest product info to checking a certain customer’s moaning history, customer services need quick access to organised data. Which is what our information management system provides.

Sort problems out faster: In the unlikely event you can solve the problem without speaking to anyone else (not a reflection on you, just most customers want to speak to a manager and you can’t keep pretending), PICNIC’s collaboration tool makes escalating issues or delegating tasks to other members of the team quick and easy. Everyone’s a whiner. Sorry, winner.

Clear the complaints inbox for the first time: From the minute you log the issue, you’re against the clock to meet SLAs. Here’s where stuffy workflows and outdated processes cause problems and serve only to annoy customers more. Automate the jobs that hold you back from meeting customer expectations and solving their complaints.

Three ways PICNIC helps customer services:
• Giving them organised data to help solve problems for customers
• Being able to easily escalate something to a manager
• Cutting out processes that extend the time it takes to resolve an issue