About us

Your biggest work problems.

All solved.


About Us

Three decades. That’s how long we’ve been working with information management systems. We’ve won multiple awards. We’ve learnt a great deal. And we’ve helped countless businesses transition from the analogue ways of old, into the connected world of today.

The way we work hasn’t changed very much since the industrial age. Things get said. Things get agreed upon. And things get done. What’s changed, is that all of this happens through tons of digital tools. And with that, comes problems.


The new way of working just isn’t working

With all these digital tools and fancy systems at our disposal, work should be a breeze. But it’s gone the other way.

Workplaces are more complex than ever. Information’s more scattered. Inboxes are overflowing. Entire days are spent going back-and-forth between apps that don’t talk to each other. And everyone’s stressed because of it.

Work simply doesn’t flow. So we decided to do something about it.

Surely there’s a better way?

They call this the hyper-connected generation. But with work spread across multiple standalone apps, things have never felt more disconnected.

So our Information Management, Business Process Management and Future of Work experts put their heads together to design a single platform that does the job of many. Bringing documents, tasks, people and processes together. Like no other tool on earth.

And PIQNIC was born

There really is nothing else like it. A true world-first.

It’s one platform that combines document management, task management, team collaboration and process automation all in the same place. All to give you and your teams the right information when you need it.

So you can work faster, avoid distractions, and automate your most repetitive and frustrating tasks.



To bring all of your files, tasks, people and processes together on one platform, for the easiest way to do your hardest work

No more lost hours looking for that document or file. No need to subscribe to dozens of apps. No long email chains chatting about jobs. No frustrations of chasing people up.

Instead, every bottleneck in your business is totally removed, so your people have more time to spend doing the work they’re good at and love.

What makes PIQNIC different?

Aside from doing away with mayhem at work, PIQNIC is super-fast to set up, you get responsive support from human techies, and regular software updates are all included in the low monthly fee.

There’s no lock-in, so you can start small. And no hidden fees or surprises. We agree on pricing up-front, and you can add and remove users whenever you like.

It’s a no brainer for smart businesses.


Now that you know more about who we are and why we do what we do, check out our platform.


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