Ever totted-up the time your team wastes scouring your systems and cloud apps for the images, invoices, spreadsheets or sales reports they need for work? Don’t. It’ll depress you.

PIQNIC, on the other hand, puts every file at your fingertips, thanks to metadata which finds documents based on what they are, not where they are.

Document Management
Document Management

Find files without looking

Say goodbye to lost documents. In fact, stop searching your system for files altogether. With PIQNIC, metadata is captured when anything’s uploaded, and with information subscriptions, your team can configure searches by setting up subject or content prompts. The hunt really is over.



Document Management

Bring outsiders in

Sharing files among your team is easy. But what about when customers, suppliers or and consultants need involving in a job? PIQNIC’s secure document collaboration and workflow brings people outside of your business into the loop, so everyone can work together in the same platform without fifty separate conversations going on.



Document Management

Control who sees what

Allowing everyone to access every file in your system is asking for trouble. But PIQNIC’s centralized information management platform features access policies, so only those in specific roles can access certain documents. Security audits show you who’s viewed and downloaded files too – perfect if you’re handling confidential data.



Document Management

AVOID Proposal-V24_Final_Final.doc.

When lots of people are working on lots of documents, tracking versions can get tricky. PIQNIC makes it a breeze with intuitive version control. This time-stamps any document updates, so it’s clear which one is the latest version. Your team can add comments too, so everyone knows what changes were made.



Document Management

Manage your data better

PIQNIC strikes a balance between keeping your company and customer data secure, while giving your team access to it. Granular controls include records retention and storage polices to security, archiving and audit trails. And with our global data centers, you’ll be compliant, wherever you’re based.



Document Management

Plugs straight into your systems

There’s no need to have countless copies of your files in different places anymore. A single line of code connects your core systems to PIQNIC, so you can directly access documents within it. And local integration turns folders into smart zones where you can apply the same document rules and workflows.



Document Management

Tailor things for every department

The way your finance team creates and processes information will be completely different to your sales team. So PIQNIC can be customized to suit each department’s needs, while following your company’s security and compliance policies.



Document Management

Set it up quickly. Maintain it easy.

Business grade document and content management usually takes months to install. Not PIQNIC. We’ll have you set up in minutes and configured soon after. And one of our specialist team or partners can walk you through everything. With no need for an army of engineers (or deep pockets) to make simple changes.



Document Management

Move everything over

If you have documents and files in folders or other systems, pre-built migration tools make bulk copy-and-paste jobs a breeze. This way, all of your information is in one place. We can help you attach the right metadata to your files too, making them easily findable for your team.