It’s bye to chaos. And hi to harmony

You know what it’s like. Your teams chat on one app, manage jobs in another, and dip into ten more systems during the day. Leaving files all over the place, and making it tough to track things without constant manual updates.

But there is another way. A better way. PIQNIC brings your people and the things they’re working on together, all on the same platform.

Task Management
Document Management

Get more work done

Constantly switching between apps eats into your team’s time. With PIQNIC, they can kick-off projects, manage tasks, gather data, share files, review and approve anything, make decisions, collaborate with customers and partners, build standardized workflows and message anyone… all in the same place.

Task Management

Break down barriers

Collaborating internally is one thing, but bringing external suppliers or clients into the mix has always been a bit of a challenge, right? Not anymore. With PIQNIC, you can invite any third parties to view and access files, leave messages and get involved in tasks, almost like they worked there. And without an endless external email trail.

Task Management

Speed-up tedious tasks

Free up valuable time by building standardized processes that handle all your most repetitive work across multiple apps. Workflows can include business rules, decision management, custom forms, and service levels. This is on top of built-in document management and team messaging. Processes can then be assigned to certain roles.

Task Management

Never lose another file

When big teams are working on complex projects, misplacing files is easily done. But PIQNIC’s integrated document management stops that happening. Files and their versions are all stored in one place using the document manager. So there’s only ever one source of the truth.

Task Management

Share stuff securely

There’s a million-and-one file sharing apps out there. But every time you use a third-party app, your data is no longer in your control. With PIQNIC, your files never leave the platform. Instead, you invite people over to view them. There’s optional business rules such as SLA’s and decision management for more sensitive information.

Task Management

Keep everyone in the loop

Work’s hard enough without having to refer back to random emails and chat threads to find out who’s done what. So PIQNIC’s task-focused messaging features a messaging wall with chat and events such as new documents, users, decisions and actions specific to individual tasks. Plus notifications so nothing’s ever missed.

Task Management

Manage approvals in one place

Don’t just share files and wait for a reply. Send them for approval, create decisions, and even set up a group vote if you’ve got a bigger team. Every approval and decision is recorded, and you get notifications when actions have been taken, so it’s easy to track how work’s progressing.

Task Management

Stay on top of work

Gone are the days of information scattered across lots of different apps. With PIQNIC, you can build out projects quickly, assign tasks and automate repetitive processes, as well capturing each job’s files, emails and communications in one place. Everything you need to be ultra-organized.