Whatever your business, PIQNIC’s the business

Data headaches. Fiddly tasks. Process complexities. No industry is without them. But whether it’s a long-winded credit checking process at your bank, or stringent SLAs in your next big construction project, PIQNIC stands up to every challenge. We can even tailor the platform to suit your exact way of working.

Solutions by Industry
Accounting Solutions


Some of the biggest challenges for accountants are locating rogue documents, keeping clients happy with clear communication, and wasting time doing tasks that could be automated. PIQNIC fixes these problems for you. Here’s how:

Run the smoothest audits you’ve ever run: Finding files and documents is a nightmare when you deal with as much data as accountants do. Sort them, store them and secure them with PIQNIC, and make it easier to cut out mistakes, run audits and meet compliance standards.

Tackle those tricky conversations with confidence: Looking after clients is hard enough without misunderstandings or miscommunications that make you look daft when you speak to them. Keep everyone on the same page with PIQNIC’s task management and team collaboration tools. They give your team confidence to have those trickier conversations and reassure clients that you know what you’re doing.

Give your team the work they love to do: Your accountants are smart people. They like solving financial puzzles. They love bringing order to chaos. Finding ways to improve processes. Do you know what they don’t like? Boring, repetitive work like invoicing, expense reporting and payroll processing – especially when it’s easily automated. Make them love you again with our workflow automation tool.

In short, PIQNIC’s platform makes accountancy easier by:

1) Making things quicker to find when you need them
2) Getting everyone organised to deal with clients better
3) Letting your accountants do the work they love by automating the processes that hold them up

Financial Services Solutions

Financial Services

In financial services, it’s not the challenge of adhering to strict regulations or making important decisions quickly, it’s giving clients everything they want, but yesterday. Ease the pressure with PIQNIC. Here’s how:

Easily-accessible data for fantastic financial forecasts: Not locking down your customers’ data is a surefire way to wave bye-bye to your license and hello to business-busting fines. But you still need it to run risk assessments or make financial forecasts. Strike the balance using PIQNIC and keep sensitive info away from prying eyes while making it quick and easy to access for reporting – all in line with your regulatory obligations.

Collaborate with your team better than ever before: High-stakes projects usually involve processing loads of high-value, complex transactions with no margin for error. But mistakes can happen – usually when someone’s not up to date with the latest info. PIQNIC makes sure everyone knows what they’re doing and when, so there’s less chance of something going wrong.

Keep your customers engaged with automation: Your customers expect a slick and modern experience. They don’t want to be slowed down by clunky processes that take an age to complete. Streamline your workflows and automate tasks – so customers don’t feel tempted to press the little X button in the top right of their screens.

PIQNIC helps the financial services industry in three different ways:
• It provides accurate, easy-to-access reports, essential for financial forecasting
• By making sure everyone’s on the same page, it cuts down the chance of mistakes happening
• It makes customers happier by automating tasks that provide a good user experience when they interact with you

Manufacturing Industry Solutions


Issues with supply chain management, product development and quality assurance can cause manufacturing migraines.

Here’s how PIQNIC helps your manufacturing business:

Dots your i’s and crosses your t’s: Attention to detail is massive in manufacturing. Just one rogue zero in a world of -nths, -dths and decimal points to the power of 28, and you’re done for. Organise your data to help you manage stock, maintenance, and production lines more accurately and efficiently.

Stay ahead when things go wrong: Design changes and production hiccups happen all the time. Keep all of your teams in the loop, in real-time, so any issues are ironed out before things grind to a halt.

Cut down on processes that don’t add any value: From buying the raw materials to shipping the final product, getting everything done right is hard. But getting everything done right all the time is harder. PIQNIC standardises workflows to make manufacturing processes simpler and your life easier.

Make your manufacturing business more efficient with PICNIC. Automate workflows, organise your data to help you manage inventories and keep departments aligned and up to date.


Solutions For Education Institutions


Making sure students get to school, enjoying what they’re learning and organising all the admin are a few of the challenges the education sector faces. Here’s how PIQNIC can help:

Make finding records as easy as pi: Schools, colleges and universities have loads of data to sort: staff and student records, academic research and other bits of admin – it all adds up. Look after your data. Keep it safe, secure, and organised. You’ll need it for parents evenings.

Work together to bring the best out of students: Planning classes, setting homework (boo!) and sharing resources between you and students or other staff members are huge tasks. With our collaboration tool, you’ve got the perfect platform to perform them.

Concentrate on helping people to grow: Teachers haven’t got time for mundane admin tasks. Their passion is in helping students be their best versions of themselves. Their role is so important, so let them do what they’re good at and automate the rest.

Meet these challenges head-on with PIQNIC.

1) Keep sensitive data safe, secure, and organised
2) Give teachers and students the best platform for collaborating on projects
3) Automate tasks that stop teachers from fulfilling students potential

Solutions for Construction and Engineering

Construction and Engineering

The construction and engineering industries deal with a lot of red tape. And they need every team to work together to complete projects on time. PICNIQ can help in three key ways.

Stay organised with all your information in one place: Construction and engineering generate a lot of data with everything from blueprints to compliance documents. Storing it in an organised way makes it easier to manage projects, stick to the rules and regs, and make sure everything runs smoothly from start to finish.

Cut out unnecessary delays: With so many stakeholders involved in construction projects, collaboration and task management keep things on schedule. Cut down the chances of miscommunications and keep teams on the same page from initial bids to project handovers.

Stay focused on the finish line: When you’re against the clock, you want to save as much time as you can. Automating tasks and workflows makes projects as efficient as possible and keeps projects on time and on budget.

In short, PICNIC helps the construction and engineering industries by:

• Keeping data secure but accessible so projects stay on track
• Making sure teams collaborate closely
• Saving time through automating tasks

Solutions for Healthcare Industry


The healthcare industry faces lots of unique challenges. It depends on pinpoint precision, speed of thought and mind, and cohesive teamwork. Here’s where PIQNIC comes in.

Make the best decisions in difficult situations: Having access to patient records, research data, and treatment histories is a matter of life and death. PIQNIC stores your data securely and organises it in a way that makes it quick and easy to access, so you can make accurate diagnoses and medical decisions.

Help your teams to provide the best care possible: When lives are on the line, everyone needs to be on the same page, from doctors on the front line to lab technicians behind the scenes. Use the collaborative tools to make teamwork more efficient so you can give patients the care they deserve.

Focus on helping people to get better: There are a lot of processes in healthcare. From admitting patients to discharging them and the treatment in between. Automate the workflows that cause bottlenecks and spend more time keeping patients comfortable during their stay.

Here’s how PICNIC helps the healthcare industry:

1) With secure, but instantly accessible data, doctors have everything they need to make the most informed decisions
2) Quick, cohesive collaboration between departments gives patients the best chance of recovery
3) Automating some processes and workflows helps make patient recovery a little smoother

Solutions for Human Resources

Human Resources

Keeping employees’ data safe, making everyone happy at work and sorting out communication issues are some of the trickier tasks you might face in HR. Here’s how PICNIC helps you get ahead of them:

Keep personal details personal: HR deals with sensitive data that employees trust you to keep safe. PIQNIC does that. It organises the data too, so it’s quick and easy to find what you need – as long as you’re authorised to see it.

Make time for training and development: HR are involved with most, if not all, departments. Sometimes they’re hiring, sometimes they’re firing. Then there’s training, development and performance reviews. PIQNIC’s collaboration tool makes sure employees feel valued and looked after when things are sorted quickly and efficiently.

Concentrate on making your office a nicer place to be: Let your staff concentrate on making life better for your employees and not on things that you can easily automate. Speed up the process of finding, hiring, or offboarding and spend your time building a better atmosphere at work.

PIQNIC makes HR easier by keeping sensitive data secure but accessible to the right people. It makes employees feel valued when you organise work efficiently and sort problems quickly. And it frees up time to focus on getting, developing and keeping the best people.

Solutions for Legal Firms

Probably the sector that’s known for having the most paper and boxes full of documents. If you believe what you see in the movies. Which we do. Keeping all that data away from prying eyes is a challenge. As is making sure you stick to strict timeframes and keep clients in the loop. PICNIC is well-suited to the legal environment – here’s why:

Find the missing piece in seconds: PIQNIC makes sure that your confidential documents stay confidential, meeting all the regulatory requirements. It organises everything for you too, making it easier to find important files and saving you crucial time when you’re against the clock.

Create a winning team: When you’re representing a client, you can’t afford to miss anything, especially when you know opposing counsel won’t! With PICNIC’s collaboration tool, you can share documents, delegate tasks, and keep everyone on the same page throughout the case.

Stay focused on getting the best results for your client: Taking new clients on, keeping track of billing, and wrapping up cases takes up a lot of time. Automating these processes speeds things up, lets you focus on keeping clients happy and tracks time better, too. Which is much appreciated by the billing department.

Ease your workload with PIQNIC.

• Keep confidential data under lock and key but accessible and organised when you need to find something fast
• Harmonise all of the different departments to work smarter and reduce the chances of missing something important
• Stay focused on making clients happy and tracking billing hours better

Solutions for Energy Sector


The energy industry is in the spotlight right now. And with huge pressure to tackle lots of unique challenges as quickly as possible, you need the tools to fix problems fast. PICNIC helps you become more efficient so you can focus on solving increasingly complex problems. Here’s how:

Access critical information quickly: Data that’s critical to reports about our planet’s wellbeing should be secure but easily accessible and organised. PIQNIC does this, helping you to make informed decisions and projections while keeping you on the right side of the regulators.

Get everyone pulling in the same direction: Energy projects involve lots of different people, skills and resources. But it’s hard making sure everyone’s on the same page. PIQNIC makes collaboration much easier by delegating tasks, sharing important info, and keeping everyone up to date with real-time communication tools.

Spend more time focusing on the bigger issues: If you want to finish energy projects quickly, you need to see which processes take the longest and, well…make them faster. PIQNIC does this for you, automating routine tasks and optimising workflows so you can keep the project on time and on budget.

PIQNIC makes your life easier by securing and organising data so you can make crucial decisions with confidence. It helps everyone involved to do their jobs as quickly and smartly as possible, and speeds up the time it takes to finish a project by streamlining processes.